Shakti rising
kundalini yoga
Kundalini is the divine energy that lies coiled up at the base of our spines,
in the Muladhara, or root, Chakra. Kundalini yoga seeks to raise this energy
through the remaining six chakras to unite this energy, Shakti, with Shiva at
the Sahasara, or crown, Chakra. This leads to a great spiritual awakening
in the aspirant, resulting in bliss and a heightened awareness of the
Jennifer Lainhart is a 500-hour certified kundalini instructor. She is partially blind and can
only conduct classes over the Internet. These are private one-on-one sessions and cost $50 each, it costs $225 if you book 5 sessions. Shakti Rising Kundalini yoga will in the future have workshops, courses, and retreats available.